The “Covid Inquiry” is just more propaganda
Kit Knightly

The British government has been holding a “Covid Inquiry” for several weeks, they are apparently on “Module 5” now. Hours of footage livestreamed to the handful of people who can be bothered to listen, picking apart Boris Johnson’s Whatsapp messages.
We haven’t mentioned it before now because…well, there’s no point.
We know what it’s going to find, the same thing this kind of navel-gazing show trial always finds:
- The government under-estimated and/or overreacted.
- There was a failure of imagination based on bad intelligence.
- A lack of accountability and oversight led to some minor abuses of power by people who will be censured, may be forced to resign, but will definitely never face any criminal trial.
Whatever they eventually find “officially” happened, you can be sure that corruption and malfeasance and personal profit played no part. Nobody ever acted in bad faith. Everything is always a well-intentioned accident. A minor display of over-zealous incompetence.
Oh. And here’s a scapegoat. What an idiot, right? Let’s make fun of him on Have I Got News for You this weekend, and then next year we’ll make him a lord.
That’s what inquiries are for. They tell stories and sell narratives. They tie up the loose ends and weave a pretense of accountability.
They rewrite history amid a theatrically contrived display of faux-cathartic self-examination which, in the end, only supports the mainstream narrative.
“Oh no! The intelligence was flawed!”
“Oh no! We never wargamed hijacked planes!”
“Oh no! We accidentally revitalized the heroin trade!”
“Oh no! We didn’t take the virus seriously enough at first and then we over-reacted!”
It’s always the same, and rarely worth talking about.
The reason I’m breaking that habit today is that I happened to see this headline…
The real Covid scandal is emerging right in front of the inquiry’s nose
And it irritated me. Firstly, with the pettiness of the subject, the narrowness of the focus. It’s picking gnat shit out of pepper, as the saying goes.
But, mostly, because it’s just such a lie. The story it’s selling is that Dominic Cummings wanted a lockdown, and he went against the experts who fought tooth and nail against it.
This is clearly about salvaging the tarnished reputation of “the science”, government experts and corrupt modelers so they can be redeployed in the future without any embarrassing baggage. It’s about piling all the blame on one disposable non-entity.
As I said, here’s a scapegoat…
The author, Fraser Nelson, tweeted it in these words:
The Covid inquiry has unwittingly revealed how close Britain came to avoiding lockdown – and how, in the end, panic beat science.
My column on the real scandal (now online)
— Fraser Nelson (@FraserNelson) November 2, 2023
As I said on Twitter: Government inquiries never “unwittingly” reveal anything. Like “leaked reports” and “anonymous insider sources”, they seed story beats that support the establishment narrative under a wafer thin veneer of “the story behind the story”.
This inquiry is just another strain of propaganda in the information war. A rear-guard action covering the Covid retreat.
The “real Covid scandal” has little and less to do with Dominic Cummings. The “real Covid scandal” is that the fake pandemic was orchestrated from the highest level in order to seize political power to an unprecedented extent.
Dominic Cummings is the smallest fraction of one percent of that story. He’s not the reason the UK had a lockdown. Just as he isn’t the reason France had a lockdown, or Germany, or Canada, or Russia, or China, or Brazil, or Australia, or New Zealand, or Italy, or Mexico, or Japan or…
…you get the idea.
“Lockdown” was not a mistake. It was a deliberate act of societal sabotage carried out on a global scale.
What the “Covid Inquiry” would have you believe is that an international wave of lockdowns was some kind of happenstance. An avalanche of coincidences. Dozens of ethnically diverse little Dominic Cummings clones, all making the exact same mistakes for the exact same reasons at the exact same time in almost every nation of the world.
What Covid really revealed – what the inquiry will never so much as hint at and what nobody in the mainstream wants us to talk about – is that some greater authority exists above almost all national governments, with both the desire and ability to dictate the domestic policies of almost every nation on Earth.
And spoiler alert: It’s not Dominic Cummings.
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Superb. It’s worth repeating the last paragraph because that really is the lesson.
What Covid really revealed – what the inquiry will never so much as hint at and what nobody in the mainstream wants…to talk about – is that some greater authority exists above…all national governments, with both the desire and ability to dictate the domestic policies of…every nation on Earth.”
In other words Covid shown us that though the anti Christ is not yet revealed, he is now here.
It was unprecedented to witness governments worldwide agreeing on something almost overnight. Almost like er…it had already been discussed and agreed. Normally it takes months, years or agreements on some topics are never reached. I am sure that the AI was driving the “pandemic” op and was monitoring every source to make sure that they didn’t overcook it and cause more riots or start “Covid wars”.
When the first government blames “rogue AI” for some ghastly tragedy/war crime, then the “AI Being” will finally be given life. This will be a dark moment and one that is being hinted at by politicians etc who claim to be concerned about this.
When the medical charade started, there was a comment on here that said that governments do too much lest they do too little. I think there is truth in that statement. From the fact of nearly every nation falling to the charade, we concluded that
“they are all on it together”; that is, the ruling class and their servants the political class knew all along they were deceiving us. “They” however refers IMO to the apparatuses of the State and Capitalist system in each nation, not to their governments and capitalists: “the States and Capitals are all on it together”.
What in my view happened is that a very influential group facing a financial crisis (September 2019 Repo market crash and terminal crisis of Big Pharma) somehow “persuaded” the WHO authorities to declare a false medical emergency (I even remember the event, and it struck me as odd that one of the first things Tedros said is the medical name given to the alleged new vir** as if his declaration wasn’t so novel but was cooking for some time). After that declaration, this group knew, it was just a matter of letting the State and capitalist logic (including the media logic) in each nation do their thing: The apparatus of State and capitalist compulsion for profit making (whether in the US, Russia, China, Europe or anywhere else) did what they always do: mobilise Capital and human resources to justify themselves through improving the economy, as they are given the opportunity to do in crises, whether genuine or imaginary (and in that case they wouldn’t press too much to demonstrate its falsity, on the contrary). The governments and national capitalist classes were thus the instruments of that compulsion.
I mean, this group didn’t call on the heads of State in every nation to “suggest” to them they should fake a pandem** and institute totalitarian States because there was a financial crisis, and these agreed to do that and thus were all on it together against us. Rather, IMO, the governments believed the discourse of the WHO, and then the economic and political hardwiring within each nation forced its response which roughly was bound to be the same since the hardwiring is the same; namely to exaggerate everything out of fear of not doing enough, strengthening the State and making profit on the way.
The image we may have of Trump or Biden, Putin, Xi, Macron, Meroni, Johnson, etc knowing it was all fake but agreeing to make us believe it was genuine to implement their policies is not true IMO. Each was compelled, in their own way, to do what they thought they had to do after the declaration of the WHO which they believed; even locking down people, forcing vacc***s and cracking down on the recalcitrant population in the most inhuman way, as we’ve all seen. The guilt sits at the door of Capital and the State, not of people of flesh and blood. The interests that were hurt which instigated the whole thing is very likely just one small part of the world capitalist class; the others having fallen for it too.
Nice theory. Shame it doesn’t fit the facts.
Please explain the “facts”. TCR’s analysis seems consistent with Simon Elmer’s to me.
These politicians did have some experience of politics and the workings of the various relevant organisations at the time eg WHO. They will have known of the motivation behind said WHO, mostly funded by private pharma. They will have been well aware of the true horror that drives the Gates creep (as another random player pushing the enemy agenda).
Their guilt should not be explained away by excusing it as just the system doing what it does.
That the politicians signed the papers and decrees that made totalitarianism “legal”, we agree; and if that’s the charge, they’re guilty. That they signed those papers knowing there was no medical emergency at all, that it was a fabrication to which they knowingly contributed, is what I dispute. I think they just believed the WHO and acted on it. It may be of course that some political actors were in on it, but I disagree with putting all of them in the same bag which is the intended principal idea: a conspiracy of them all against us.
Of course, politicians are, and continue to be implicated in as many acts of corruption and other “funny” businesses as they can get into if they think they can get away with it. I just think this is not one of those cases, precisely for its scale, grave implications and the level of coordination required. The State can go to great lengths to justify its existence and provoke crises, granted that; but not to the point of basing its policy on thin air, IMO. Politicians have to be persuaded of the necessity of a policy, and that is not difficult to do, knowing how smart politicians are in everything non-political (sarc).
So, I can perfectly picture, and it seems more reasonable to me, that Trump, Macron, Johnson, and others, and their governments were briefed by the WHO, using their usual technical jargon and statistics and persuaded them it will be “the end of the world” if they did not act quickly and in the most decided way. On the contrary, I find it difficult to picture these politicians told to adopt policies on a pandem** that is non-existant and act on it as if it were true just because it suits “some interests”.
A weakening argument to the “all in it together” is the risk these interests would incur by disclosing to every government officials that they need to fake a pandem** which shall need the implementation of worldwide totalitarian policies with every thing that means, just because they are financially embarrassed. Even if the politicians of the time shut their mouth and just get along with the lie, they may later betray their promise; and there are elections, and governments change an the word may pass from one to another, and the individuals in subsequent governments can’t be totally trusted or controlled. It just isn’t reasonable to participate in a lie that shall produce a murderous disaster worldwide without being sure there is no possibility the word gets out.
A strengthening argument to the “State and Capital were on it together” is that by trying to get out of the falsely believed medical emergency, governments found an opportunity of promoting principally their own interests (reinvigorating the State, creating new jobs …; in a word, economic activity and currency flows are promoted), not the interest of some group with which all governments are aligned; and even if the actions of the several governments end up promoting some group’s interests, my point is that there is no intent to do so; governments just pursue their own interests. This view is perfectly consistent with the subsequent European crisis, the energy crisis, the European inflation, the disagreements and contradictions surrounding the supposed transition to a green energy (China clearly against any abrupt change), the African crisis through which EU, US (France clashing with US), China and Russia are competing, the curent middle East crisis which is clearly evidencing different interests (US-EU allied with internal disputes; Arab States and Iran and Africa and recent developments in Latin-America show a contrary interest), and even shifting ones (US currently) and regional re-alliances, etc. All of that, and more testify that there is no such a thing as one interest with which every other interest is aligned; on the contrary, everything seems to indicate competitions beside alliances, in a world entering a crisis after crisis; every nation tries to promote its own interests, whether individually or in groups and whether these interests incidentally align or oppose other interests; but IMO there is no an a priori alignment of them all.
I don’t deny alignments of interests as a means to furthering individual interests, but there is also competition; and the two coexist. States can compete on some topics and align on others, one of which is industrial and technological standards, digitisation, etc, which keeps the nations connected and make easy many procedures (like the standard width of railways).
BRICS might be the same as US-EU if we look at them from outside the capitalist mode of production, because both use it; but looked at from within the system, BRICS is an emergence proving the decline of the US-EU actors as models for the other nations economies.
But the major blow IMO to the “all on it together” theory is the following argument: If really there is one interest to which every other interest is subordinated, one interest that controls every single government and media, hire and fires politicians, owns everything, and whose tentacles extends everywhere, why does this interest have to make things difficult to get its way and provoke resistance, suspicion, revolts, crises, wars, fake pandem***, creates revolutionaries opponents? Surely there is better ways to get to the famous billion population by, like someone said, putting something in the water with delayed effects; heck they own the scientists!! What easier for them to get what they want by making us want it without even suspecting anything. But we are suspecting things, we see things don’t add up, things smelling fishy, and yet they have the means to get us where they want smoothly, nicely. It is because there is no such a thing as an all-powerful interest to which everything else is subordinated. There are groups of powerful interests indeed, but they compete which each other and hinder each others plans and things don’t turn out as easy as panned.
Otherwise, the population would have been already one billion, for example, and we wouldn’t be complaining about it but cheering for it.
Governments don’t just pursue their own interests. They are vehicles for the interests of the transnational ruling class/oligarchy, which uses think tanks and personnel placement to ensure the implementation of their desired policies. The gradual imposition of totalitarianism was always going to be noticed by some of us. It was never going to be achieved without some resistance.
I agree that there are competing factions within the ruling class but governments represent these private interests, especially the dominant ones, rather than pursuing any autonomous government interests.
I also agree that politicians and government officials don’t always know why they’re told to implement a certain policy.
Well, this group up there could sure do without wars, mass movements of populations, fake pandemi***, famines, pipeline sabotages, hitting buildings, terrorist attacks, etc, to get totalitarian. Yet they had to cause all this mayhem to try and get their way, meaning they had no other choice, which in turn means there are some conflicts within this group or between this and other groups they couldn’t sort out, or some other constraints they have no control on and compel them to use violent methods; otherwise, I hope we agree, no need to that bloodshed at all to accomplish their dreams. Psychological means have proven to be the most effective way to get things done. Doesn’t this prove that this group, however dominant it is, doesn’t control everything, and doesn’t necessarily command passive obedience among the governments and other interests?

Governments can only pursue national interests by appealing to Capital, either national or transnational and in trying to strike a deal it is pursuing its own local agenda, while at the same time Capital tries to find its profit too. Both parts of the deal try to get something and I agree that Capital has often a dominant position, but, IMO, not a decisive one, specially considering the competition of several capitals on the same project. Thus, governments do pursue their interests, by furthering other interests, agreed; nothing for nothing. But if a deal is struck, there are always discontent losers among the parties that were not part of the deal, even among the dominant ones, I’d content. It is the idea of homogeneity, of lack of frictions among the dominant interests that I disagree with.
I realise of course this is one view of power. I perfectly see the elitist perspective, of a dominating, conflict-less, homogeneous group dictating its will. There is in fact three views of power, depicted in the following table from J. Allen Whitt’s Toward a Class-Dialectical Model of Power: An Empirical Assessment of Three Competing Models of Political Power, 1979 [models still holding valid]:
I’d go further. The Hong Kong protests of June-Sept 2019 were quashed and memory holed fairly quickly, for an event which actually required major banking and other financial sector groups to issue previously unheard of statements in supporting the Chinese govt- i kow several revolts on this inside UK banking buildings from their own staff’s refusal to repeat ad verbatim to clients- as well as reports of anywhere between 2 and 11 million people, AND their registered devices, simply disappearing off the face of the earth withina three to six week period between September, and the alleged discovery of the new plague.
The Repo theory has a lot more in common with this, than meets the eye- China of course has bought up enormous chunks of Western debt over the last decade, if not longer, and the fact that China itself was used not as the prototype for ZeroCoof (nailing house doors, cleansing the deserted ((summer/spring-looking)) streets, etc) but the absolute must-not-go-to example- ok, here’s a lockdown you mollycoddled Westerners WILL like, and boy they liked it alright. They fought for it with, literally, their lives and many still do- Cummings and his drive to Durham is kept fresh in the memory, to ensure a pixelated egg-and-flouring of the man at the end of the circus.
This only stops- all of it- when people begin to do things that the MSM simply can’t be seen to report. We tried nice. We tried reason. We tried debate. Nil points.
Yes. It’s disgusting. The whole thing is disgusting. And the inquiry is nothing of the sort.
Resistance is OBLIGATORY.
Some of the tattooed Ukro-Nazis sent to Hong Kong stood out like sore thumbs. Then, they vanished. Maybe they got orders to report to US for training.
Nope. The facilitators, like the now ‘beknighted’ Vallance and Whitty for example, with their conflicts of interests visibly around their necks like old-time German military policemen. And all the rest of them. And all the MSM. Don’t cut them any slack.
They knew exactly what they were doing
The marketing people explained to each dumb politician and bureaucrat how much he could make from each aspect of the super-scam.
What utter bilge. And I’m a seasoned sceptic. I thought this site was about the ‘truth’. Little in the way of facts or evidence here.
Concise and brilliant as ever Kit. Your posts help keep me sane. Thank you.
Who won Covid? We did!
What faction in all of our nations came out of that dire assault on humanity by the evil top-down order unscathed, more united, and stronger than when it began? There was a clear resistance of about 15% of the people, all of whom were truthers, who opposed all of the mandates. The majority who did not resist, those who complied with the insane mandates were the clear losers, and many of those now realize that fact and can be counted as being on our side – in opposing the entire NWO agenda. Many of the victims would have liked to resist but were too intimidated by the top-down diktats of their governments and their corporate bosses to more openly do so. Many who were afraid of losing their jobs took the jabs, and now realize how they were lied to and intimidated by all of those in positions of authority.
What Covid has proven is that the truth endures and makes us strong. It has proven that non-compliance and resistance does work in the face of evil, and particularly against evil governments. It has also proven that brave and honest people will make great personal sacrifices for what is right, and that if we simply unite we can take back control of our governments and our nations.
In a nutshell, Kit.
Do you really expect them to convict themselves? Nobody is on trail here and besides, all those involved on the front line at the time have now slipped out the back into a lucrative corporate position.
Another brilliant piece by Kit!
Surely by this point we should know that anything with “covid” in the title isn’t worth any of your time.
I think we’re getting one of these in OZ. Bet ours will be even more puke-making.
Covid Inquiry ? Nothing more than window dressing for a shop which sells large doses of propaganda.
We call it “a dog and pony show.”
Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice
Some may find this piece by John Waters interesting – ARC and Jordan Peterson.
Well said Kit.
What I’ll never get my head around is the deployment of Neil Ferguson and his bloody models when this lame brain has never got anything right in his entire career.
This surely proves that accuracy was not required. What was wanted was someone who was not afraid to make outlandish predictions in order to ‘scare the pants off everyone’ to quote Matt Hancock.
As you say, the investigation into this nightmare episode in our history will go on and on, just like the JFK assassination cover up. Supranational interests are involved.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Regarding Neil Ferguson I think that was the point of deploying him. I was not aware of him before 2020 but having someone so useless as he helped us to wake up to the fraud.
Of course he was brought up in Llanidloes, Mid Wales. Llanidloes anagrams to ‘Sod all Neil’ so he was unlikely to do anything useful. This is quite long but might be helpful and even amuse.
Some of Ferguson’s “modelling projections” before covid:
– 50,000 Brits would die from mad cow disease; actual figure was 177
– 150 million people would die from bird flu; actual figure was 282
– 65,000 Brits would die from flu; actual figure was 457
– 150 million people would die from foot-and-mouth disease; actual figure was <200?
— from a comment here in 2021
One little detail that springs to my tiny mind, or, in a way two, is that this is a: only the first inquiry & b: it’s early days yet. In my experience and from memory whenever events or exposes occur of such magnitude, devastation or world shattering scale to elicit enormous public concern and an inflamed media response, well a: one inquiry is never enough & b: it takes years and years and years. Here are a few examples to illustrate my point, there are, in probability many more: JFK’s assassination, 9/11, Hillsborough, IICSA, Leveson, Operation Grange. They all play a role that appears to suggest that tptb are taking public concern very seriously, and are willing to spend millions to “get to the bottom of the matter” but those of us who have seen them come and go, flare up again, then die down, are no longer surprised by the results.
This is why OG is among the best
Population Control
The convid scam appears to have been a prototype for population control using muzzles, clot shots and psychological pressure to reduce life spans. Why it was (apparently) abandoned is a mystery. Perhaps more effective strategies are being considered.
In the meantime an earnest attempt at wiping out an inconvenient racially inferior population is in it’s fifth week. The scale of the horror can be gauged by the before and after satellite photographs in the article linked to here.
Before and after satellite images show scale of destruction from Israeli strikes in Gaza (
“Failings” are designed into the psyop. Among other uses, they give the media and pundits something to debate.
Grenfell Tower: The failings no firefighter could overcome – Full BBC Newsnight report
BBC Newsnight
Jul 7, 2017
John Sweeney pieces together a picture of the battle to fight the Grenfell Tower fire, using anonymous first-hand accounts and newly-obtained documents. His report contains strong language throughout.
Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.
As Sir Humphrey from Yes Minister said: “A basic rule of government is never look into anything you don’t have to, and never set up an inquiry unless you know in advance what its findings will be”.
Australia, too. is to hold a Clayton’s Inquiry, into “How Can We Run A Better Pandemic – Next Time ?” “Mistakes were made, but we’re on a learning curve .”
Like the Warren Commission Report, this Clayton Inquiry’s report will become the Standard Reference providing the basis for separating The True Facts from Disinformation sown by Conspiracy Theorisers …
There were no mistakes made, there was only a plan that was followed.
Nuremberg 2.0 time.
I didn’t have covid, and I hadn’t been jabbed, but I got rather annoyed and paranoid, just going for a walk along the canal..with my wife – and neither of us were wearing masks..and this is posh polite genteel Surrey…and all these Masked Zombies – kept jumping out of our way – we looked at them as if they were completely mad…we were perfectly happy and healthy…looking good…and so we did it again – in a field of sunflowers..and the same thing happened again.
This really upset me….I thought they have all gone mad.
Anyhow, things have improved – we had a Party last night.
About 20 people turned up inc kids and no one was wearing a mask.
We had a brilliant time, though some of the fireworks were a bit loud and scary…
Some of the girls didn’t like the loud bangs…but we were all looking well…and having fun.
Ages 1 to 70 and maybe another Grandchild on the way.
Stay strong. Don’t get Jabbed and ignore The Psychopaths who think they are in control..but can’t even run a brothel in the House of Commons…
It seems most of them are boys and went to boys schools
Well done. I never wore a mask despite the mask-ists attempts to force me. I was in hospital having 4 weekly immuno-therapy treatment in 2020 during height of the insanity. One nurse washed her hands, put on rubber gloves, masked up AND a plastic face shield to do a pedicure for an elderly lady.
I didn’t like to say anything but honestly…
The ten commandments of politics:
1. Do, or say whatever it takes to maintain power.
2. Never hold an inquiry unless you’re certain of the outcome.
3. Ignore the rest of the commandments.
Sorry that this is off-topic but it’s driving me nuts. Does anyone here know who said a number of months ago (maybe even last year), that around December the war in the Ukraine will end? It was a top official and I remember reading that comment and thinking “hmmm?” I can’t find that info anywhere now. Anyone saved it?
What about having an enquiry into the duplicity of official enquiries? Or maybe we should just ignore the buggers.
The US has asked Israel for a ‘Humanitarian
Pause’ of its carpet bombing of Gaza. Why
does ‘Humanitarian Pause’ bring to mind
‘coitus interruptus’ ?
Stopping in the middle of a good thing ?
Megyn Kelly called Fauci a villain and insane. There is a lot of cheering so it looks like pretty mainstream views. This is the sort of stuff some of us were saying years ago and now it is on youtube with thousands of views. Course tho then she says how masks in hospitals is ok with her. It is the weak point really. The hospital has to be the worst place to wear a mask like there is people who are sick there and can’t cope with rebreathing CO2. I think it is the notion of this being a medical issue that really confuses things. No more obvious than in America that it is politics.
Great to see a video on YouTube like that. It’s not Friday but
Things you can be certain that the Covid inquiry won’t find:
‘Covid’ never existed!
Exactly my comment and seriously wondering about the people who gave this a thumbs up. The understanding the situation is severely lacking.
That SarsCoV-2 is an insilico “virus”, entirely created on a computer.
Same with every other “virus”…
That Covid-19 “probably” never even existed? After you go thru this list basically supporting that very notion? Like the one, “the way covid deaths were counted was a complete farce”. THERE IS and never has been a COVID-19 so there CAN BE NO WAY TO COUNT COVID-19 DEATHS! So, what difference does it make the way the so called Covid deaths were counted. It was ALL BULLSHIT. Get that? Or, “the Covid vaccines were far from safe and effective”. How the hell could they be safe and effective when they aren’t vaccines and there is no Covid-19?! What are you trying to say, that the Covid 19 vaccines should ahve been safe and effective and this bullshit inquiry won’t address that? Why the fuck is this being given thumbs up? Shit, three years on and people still can’t figure it out, even on here.
Big Al, I suggest you read my comment again. It’s a list of things the inquiry (whose participants either believe the scam or are carrying on the pretence) won’t find.
Nothing in the list supports the notion that covid existed. Covid deaths were counted such that covid didn’t have to exist for a person to (officially) die from it, i.e. within 28 days of a positive test, which I already pointed out created the pandemic.
My mother had nine of us.
I never heard her sing Sinatra’s
“I Did It My Way”, but i reckon
there were times she admitted
to herself “Mistakes, i made
a few.”
Even if an op fails to achieve all its goals, management can still use that to build further false narratives so as to further confuse and obfuscate. The Spectacle engages in a show of self-reform and “correction.”
OK, I know many of you will say I am just being self-focused, and that I am lacking in both insight and concern for others, but I am going to write this anyway. I agree — as I have from the start of the Covid (orchestrated) panic — that the whole thing was being orchestrated to gain greater control over all of us. It was evil, and the evil still continues.
BUT…I am personally glad about the inquiries however mild and minimal, however much they displace and conceal real responsibility. Why? Because already people who have avoided me and haven’t communicated with me for 3 1/2 years are now “coming back” to me. And some of them are people I very much missed. They are now willing to admit “mistakes were made” and that maybe I wasn’t such an idiot as they had originally reckoned. Is that enough? Of course not, but it is a start. I can again voice my beliefs and concerns to them (as well as share their company), and maybe they will now be willing to listen.
Inquiries, however flawed, always pose a risk to those whose earlier seeming wisdom is now being examined in any way. Will the full truth come out? No. But many many people are still reeling from the consequences of three years of Covid policy — [leaving aside the health harm of the “vaccine” itself] economic depression, children out of school and thus both uneducated and unsocialized, elderly relatives left alone to fall into depression and even death, and of course I could go on. Many were willing to see this as necessary for the larger social good of preventing mass death because “experts” said it was, because they understood “The Science.” But now those experts are shown as flawed. So why believe them so unreservedly in the future?
As I said, if this enough? No, call me naive, but I think it is a start.
“Experts.” If I never hear that word again out of the MSM and those who still believe in it where covidiocy is concerned, that would be a very, very small start.
As I said to a still believing friend a few weeks ago, the very fact that no one in the “majority” of covid believers ever, ever asked just what the word “expert” meant in that context is a huge sticking point for me. No one ever asked just what a covid case really meant. No one ever asked just what that “vaccine” is effective at preventing, no one bothered to ever ask why that face diaper didn’t protect enough people to stop the “covid cases” and if it did, would a vaccine ever be necessary. No one bothered to ask just what any long term side effects of the miracle elixir might be, or if there might even be any. Experts. Puhlease…..
After going off on my little screed, I am fairly certain I did indeed see a sudden look of “oh shit” but it did not last long enough for me. I doubt I made a dent, but some days I sure hope I did. Call me naive as well.
One of my friends is a Spanish lady, we’ve been friends for 35+ years. She’s now 89; she and her English husband [90] have been married for 53+ years, they live here in the UK.
Right from the start of this evil coup d’etat, I’d been telling her (and all of my ‘normie’ family members, and other friends) what was really going on, but she refused to accept what I said. I lost count of the times (early on) when she said “But it’s experts who are saying there’s a deadly virus sweeping the world, and some of those experts are professors!”.
I tried to explain to her that those so-called ‘experts’ were bought and paid for, that they were lying, regardless of whether they were ‘professors’ or not…! But my friend chose to continue to believe what they were being told on their TV.
She and her husband asked no questions… simply blindly believed what they were told to believe.
I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40-45 years (on many big subjects in life), and the fact that the masses don’t question anything is deeply disturbing. They want to be told what to accept. When will they ever realise that they’ve been duped [about many things…]…?
Two words, nine, eleven.
It was a terrible frightening thing.I’m glad some are coming back to you-if you so wish it.
I value those who just accepted my response, did what they wanted and carried on the friendship. And, my parents who loved me and didn’t care if I was vaxed or not.I was so lucky for this.They all kissed and hugged me and weren’t afraid.And those who were full of judgment are gone and there was space for new friends.
Sorry, but this attitude is the main reason the status quo can keep going. It’s people comforting themselves that “at least they’re admitting some mistakes”, and maybe people won’t be so gullible next time that defuses anger and puts everyone back to sleep.
THAT’S WHY THE PTB DO THESE INQUIRIES. To get that exact response from you. It’s a dead end and designed to be.
If you read my comment more carefully you’d see that I did not and do not accept the lies put out by these evil powers. I was speaking about those people we all know who DID accept them, but now can perhaps catch a glimpse of truth, so that we can again talk to them. I have no intention of going back to sleep; I was just hoping we might find a way to “wake up” others, whether by screaming alarm clock or just a gentle nudge. Different approaches work for different people.
A fool does not need to care, feel anxious, or anticipate that the future ‘could’ be different (better). All a fool needs to do is be happy with the truth that is presented to him, and live the life of a plant that feeds itself from that ‘truth’. This is what people do and, if you’d ask me, the revelation of the people’s plandemic. People aren’t fooled into the BS stories that are presented to them on a daily basis. People are fools. And happy to be fools. That is what covid revealed to me.
This is exactly how I feel it. Why should I care for someone 10000 km away? These people must take care of themselves as I take care of myself where I am. Therefore I am happy for what I am doing 🎅 .
““Lockdown” was not a mistake. It was a deliberate act of societal sabotage carried out on a global scale”👍
Round up the usual suspects!
Your anti Establishment hero
Boris Johnson joins GB News shil be news off G favorite
Bojo has been demoted by his masters and Nigel fraud who was singing and dancing drunkenly with pretty p@ki (next Pm hopeful pushing the hard right stance line)at the tory conference shilling the hard right Conservative is the way forward is now being offered 1 million to go into big brother house. It worked for Hancock his approval rating from villain to hero changed. Orban and *trump is a prime example of how the woke alt right can still believe in a hero when they was forced vaccinated to comply.
this is all about next years selection in the U.k and USA,
Is hell ra is a example of how things will go politics wise. Italy lady PM is another waffle talker of alt media manufactured talking points that got the forget me nots to forget about the torture they had placed on them during covid.
So, show immigrant hotels and benefits lot the top loaders is forgotten and the downtrodden is to blame.
If you listened to the U.K Tory conference last month it was no different than listening to Of gardening and co manufactured talking points that alt dementia sells to it viewers as cutting edge alternative.
Laurence sly fox actor GBnews
wanker had the police turn up to his house again over a tweet the day the conference started that night Nigel was singing and dancing drunkenly..defund the police is his new logo.
Is it so contrived, so scripted, they do the same every 4 years and most have dissociated and cant even remember they do the same every 2 years and most cant even recall they did the same last year and never mind.
Your nor awake your dead asleep.
Imagine giving your vote to Boris or Trump or Orban and co.
Bring out RFK jr and wash the mind-control away. 💤
Drain the swamp or take back control only the fools would vote.
I agree! Abstention from all elections and referenda, local and federal, is the critical foundation of any genuine movement of resistance against a system this broken. All more active forms of resistance are illegitimate if the system is nevertheless legitimized via “democratic participation.” We can’t continue signing terms of agreement that we’re not allowed to read. They must run through their long-planned itineraries of tyranny and slaughter without the faintest nod or wink of connivance from us. They alone are lost and damned.
I have no doubts that there is a greater authority above our so called leaders.
I wonder if any of them know who really is that they receive orders from and what is the real structure of the organization.
Probably the official leaders (middlemen) are not allowed to know that much but If some do know,what are the chances of a “pentito”?
A supergrass at this point could be a real game-changer.
“I wonder if any of them know who really is that they receive orders from and what is the real structure of the organization. “
Chuck knows who calls the shots:
Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, getting poked on the chest by Evelyn de Rothschild | Scrolller
Indeed Evil-in de Rothschild, a big clue. Here is Chuck and two ‘udders’.
What Covid really revealed – what the inquiry will never so much as hint at and what nobody in the mainstream wants us to talk about – is that some greater authority exists above almost all national governments, with both the desire and ability to dictate the domestic policies of almost every nation on Earth.
Perhaps Off-Guardian readers from across the Earth will concur with the accuracy of/feel comfortable with the identifying term for the mRNA bioweapons premeditated mass murderers of millions worldwide: The Nazi 4th Reich.
@What Covid really revealed – what the inquiry will never so much as hint at and what nobody in the mainstream wants us to talk about – is that some greater authority exists above almost all national governments, with both the desire and ability to dictate the domestic policies of almost every nation on Earth.
This is so true, and it is also that authority that determines what year it is, and when it is that year.
Jesus of Nazareth, an important authority Himself, suggested, nay, repeatedly publicly preached, that the authority confining this realm for us, was and is “the prince of this world.”
There is no *nazi 4th reich that all ended in 1945, it’s the 4th industrial revolution you should be worried about duh.
With your kind permission, and since it bears repeating, the 3rd Reich didn’t end anywhere, except as an elusive numbering system, it simply transitioned to the 4th Reich at Langley/CIA, courtesy of Hitler’s Gehlen Org(anization). Find out about it, please.
And it has been going strong ever since.
“I would have never agreed to the formulation of CIA back in ’47 [sic: ’46] if I had known then it would become the American Gestapo.”
~ President Truman
“Meet the New Reich,
Same as the Old Reich”
[NB Your 4th Industrial Rev is actually covered by L. Fletcher Prouty’s 1972 book (he was a key AF to CIA liaison for JFK and seen as”Mr. X” in the film “JFK”)
“THE SECRET TEAM: The CIA in Control of the United States and the World”
That’s your “4th” ]
The Third Reich ended when *H died, it only remains alive through the crazy people who own the MSM ~ they love people like you that believe their bull shit… 🤣
Impressive rebuttal. Meanwhile, do some serious homework.
Own the MSM? Ah, you mean the Jews I suppose. At least they call themselves Jews. They tend to have German ancestry, probably just coincidence.
Yes, quite so.
Led by Germany, home of germ theory (of course) and in charge of the EU, the Fourth Reich. Perhaps you missed the memo that George Soros is Germanic and Klaus Schwab head of the WEF is a German.
Germany has done rather well out of the EU not surprisingly. It also has a central role in pharmaceuticals and vaccines which are I believe causing a slight problem at the moment.
Hunter S. Thompson showed some chops. by calling it out as the “6th Reich” in the years before his extra~suspicious death about 20 years ago. Jim Marrs, also late, wrote a book back then, “The 4th Reich.”
But I’d side with Hunter, marking two more. (The 4th was already solidly established by the Gehlen Org in N. Virginia after 1946.)
The 5th would have to have been JFK 11.63 (so soon, its 60th).
Was 9/11 the 6th?
I choose 3.11.20, the Anniversary of Jacques DeMolay, last Grand Master of Knights Templar, burnt at the stake on the Isle des Juifs in the literal shadow of Notre Dame de Paris, and also the same calendar date the NBA ownership hand-picked as the kickoff for Coronapalooza™ after Rudy Gobert (another Parisien) came down with a sudden case of the deadly sniffles just seconds, maybe mere nano-seconds, before tipoff of their basketball ritual. So the whole season had to be instantly cancelled?
Perhaps that was the secular 7th, in the Reich-spel According to Hunter.
But if that was only the 6th, then the sacred 7 might be still waiting in the wings for us, applied from above as the Second Coming?
That’s got my vote in advance. We can always hope, when the options feel so limited.
Seems like we need some resolution befitting it.
Oh, those deadly eternal nazis.
Very true.
There are now two kinds of human beings: those who have surrendered their sovereignty (if they ever even had any) and comply with every directive, and those who have not and do not.
Seems that the latter are now the minority.
Maybe just more forthright or flagrant.
Cummings probably did want a lockdown – but for political reasons on behalf of his far-right bosses, with public health only the cover. The same bosses who wouldn’t accept anything but the hardest of Brexits. Johnson was their PR man for both, and Cummings was the fixer (and probably Johnson’s wife was involved too). That’s why the PR man is the scapegoat, just as with Blair over Iraq. The real question, actually, is whether Johnson was in on it when he ‘caught covid’ or someone incapacitated him.
In fact, no “Covid Inquiry”, since 2009 they have closed ranks, and Covid 19 is their coup d’état studied down to the smallest detail and successful
To understand this, it is enough to read these close and documented complaints exposed against the WHO and the BigPharma clique, and politicians, in the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in 2010.
The greater authority that exists above all national governments has got to be the criminal central banksters (Rothschild) directing events from hell, the city of London.
City of London where no new alt media outlets dares to tread.
I think the “greater authority” is the top of the wealth pyramid. And it’s a kind of jelly fish organism, one entity but also many entities joined by common interest.
Global Coup d’État: Mapping the Corporate Takeover of Global Governance
“Corporations have stepped beyond lobbying governments. They are integrating in policy-making at the national and international levels…decisions historically made by governments are increasingly made by secretive unaccountable bodies run by corporations.”
When capitalists overstep and seize control of government – a public institution meant to protect citizens from capitalist exploitation – fascism sets in and societal rot begins.
“Covid Inquiry” tells us already all.
” . . . some greater authority exists above almost all national governments, with both the desire and ability to dictate the domestic policies of almost every nation on Earth.” Bingo!
‘Some greater authority…’
Eeeuuu had to be there.
Well at least some of my posts stay up, for now! Hi kids !
“what nobody in the mainstream wants us to talk about – is that some greater authority exists above almost all national governments”
Kit, this is key to the whole thing.
I don’t know if you read my recent posts on “infinity” and the reluctance of people to engage with the concept ?
Like “infinity”, the supranational existence of a cabal of super rich criminals is just too big a “thing” to even think about for most people.
Because they can’t process the idea, it doesn’t even merit a second thought.
The Essential Guide to the Covid-1984 Scamdemic:
1) SARS-COV-2 was/is a hoax. It never existed. It was not “engineered” by Madame Dr. Fu Manchu in Wuhan. The CCP was totally on board with the hoax. A sequitur is that its deviants never existed either.
2) The PCR “test” was a total fraud. Since “the virus” never existed, then it was never isolated, so any honest sequencing of its RNA could never be made. As Kari Mullis often said (in relation to HIV), rt-PCR is not a validated process for medical diagnosis, and it was truly absurd without an accurate nucleotide sequence to use as legitimate probes.
3) Lockdowns, face diapers, and social distancing were completely useless regarding their purported objectives, and the parasite class knew it from the start. It was both a test and a training for testing the spinelessness and ignorance of the sheeple and the effectiveness of their fear porn torrent. Lockdowns also gave the parasite class some time and an excuse to inject many trillions of faux currency into their debt based “money” system, as indicated by the 2019 reverse repo crisis in the USA. This prevented a premature global credit freeze-up prior to the agenda of the parasite class.
4) The most primary objective to the scamdemic was the multiple injections into as many billion people as possible of a bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine. The fake vaccine was a poison developed and contracted by the US military, maybe DARPA. All the perps have been given illegitimate legal immunity regarding this unlawful activity via various acts written over the past two decades, the PREP act in particular. The US military wrote all the purchase contracts for the fake vaccines which were referred to only as “countermeasures” in contracts similar to those of top secret weapons systems. Thus the FDA and the CDC had no jurisdiction or regulatory powers over the glop and all pretenses and phase trials that they did were just kabuki theater to give the sheeple the impression that these were real “medicines.” The contracts by the USDoD were not for the manufacture of vaccines, but the tens of billions of dollars appropriated were simply for a “demonstration” of the countermeasures, and it appears that none of the big pharma companies actually manufactured the glop.
Agreed except that all vaccines that ever were/are, as poisons, bio-weapons. There is no fake vaccine as they are all fake in the sense they can only ever harm.
I agree 100% with your statement, Not one “vaccine” has ever been trialed properly against a true saline solution for safety and effectiveness. Vaccine from the Latin, vacca, i.e. as Sylvia likes to write, the mooing herd. However I chose not to open that can of worms and “dilute” my post which is directed very specifically at the covid scamdemic. Yes all vaccines are de facto poisons, and the cv-1984 are such uber poisons that the predator class, in true Orwellian fashion, had to change the definition and memory hole the original. The scamdemic injectable bioweapons are in a class by themselves, similar to a 200 kg conventual chemical bomb and a nuclear one. I also regard it as highly probable that viruses themselves are a century old pseudo science scam, built from the start on BS, fraud, no control experiments in their methodology, and circular reasoning.
Thank you and yes, viruses are a century (plus) pseudo science scam. When I at last looked at the issues in 2020 and realised what had been going on I was rather annoyed to put it mildly.
I consider the so-called viruses to be the exosomes, part of the body’s defense system, or at least cell debris being removed.
A majority of all cows says vaccines work for them. Veterinarians says it too and they are professional educated experts.
My government would not pay for it if it wasnt true, and the News on BBC and CNN said it too.
Why should they all lie, and a lommy-lommy like you are the only one hero who knows what is right?? It doesnt make sense. Just asking a simple question.
It is quite simple if you read my short link. As for cows they will have to face the moo-sick when they fall ill. 🙂
Your government doesn’t have your best interests at heart but will have the pound of flesh closest to your heart or myocarditis which is the next best thing.
They all lie to make money for banksters and their cronies and manage to get taxpayers to pay for it, a clever ruse.
The media outlets are controlled by those banksters and their family.
Also, a major objective was to raise the death rate in 2020, or at least exaggerate it, until the express delivery of the jab. Governments have failed to state (a) all-cause excess deaths for 2021 and 2022
(b) deaths of the jabbed for the same years, preferrably with stated cause, days after last jab, jab sequence #, jab brand, age.
This white-wash is purposely meant to be frustrating for the public? We must remember that an important part of Agenda21/2030 and The Noahide Code is that they want all populations disillusioned with their governments in the hope we will want total destruction of our current systems (and they hope it will cause its toppling – which, fortunately, will not happen because the British people and beyond are too wise now and on to their shenanigans). The global establishment will try to use our discontent to institute their ‘solution’ of a communitarian, technocratic, totalitarian digital prison though. As I said before:
It is very important to know that manipulation of the public is rife in all of our countries now – our current national governments have been/are being, slowly and incrementally, sidelined in order to give all the power to the communitarian (and technocratic) ‘global-to-local governance system’ – this has included the re-drawing of all our local areas into UN-planned & approved areas and the implementation of a Mayoral system. The dominance of shareholders are being replaced with Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): NGOs & corporate stakeholders; and their ‘change agents’ and ‘facilitators’ parachuted into our local areas who oversee all policies and decisions to help implement UN Agenda21/2030 and the SDGs – all done in an undercover way e.g. ‘people’s assemblies’ and ‘community meeting’s’ to try to give the impression of grass-roots consensus (but of course it will be anything but that). These change agents and facilitators are highly trained in deception-tactics like the Delphi Technique, NLP, and much more.
Yes – Rosa Koire wrote Behind the Green Mask in 2011. This has been a VERY long plan.
Brilliant, astute woman was the late Rosa Koire; yes, well worth reading her work (as well as Mark Windows work on communitarianism).
Even earlier than 2011 we had George Hunt whistle-blowing in the late 1980s – just before the 1992 Rio Earth Summit about what Maurice Strong et al were about to foist upon the world. He tried very hard to warn people. I tried to post a few comments about his work on the Graun in the mid 2010s to try to get people to see through the fake green agenda.
I also saw a glimpse of what was happening when I joined Greenpeace as a volunteer in the mid/late 1990s – in the dept i was assigned to the old guard were at loggerheads with the new people who had just been parachuted into all the departments. Ultimately, all the genuine concerns like soil erosion, pollution, spent nuclear fuel were being sidelined for what we now know as the ‘climate emergency’ topics we now see saturated in the MSM, schools, etc.
Superb piece — absolutely spot-on.
Sadly I expect that the masses will continue to swallow what the government and the sellout media tell them — after all, we live in a modern democracy with a free press!
People complain that politicians are dreadful liars and that the papers are full of garbage, yet they nevertheless continue to believe in the system (as the COVID hoax illustrated). And so they’ll continue to keep it going, this ingenious political machine which rules us all: they’ll buy their papers, they’ll pay their Licence Fee, and they’ll vote as they always do. They will maintain the status quo.
It seems “democracy” is tyranny made perfect…
We must remember that an important part of Agenda21/2030 and The Noahide Code is that they want all populations disillusioned with their governments in the hope we will want total destruction of our current systems (and they hope it will cause its toppling – which, fortunately, will not happen because the British people and beyond are too wise now and on to their shenanigans). The global establishment will try to use our discontent to institute their ‘solution’ of a communitarian, technocratic, totalitarian digital prison though. As I said before:
It is very important to know that manipulation of the public is rife in all of our countries now – our current national governments have been/are being, slowly and incrementally, sidelined in order to give all the power to the communitarian (and technocratic) ‘global-to-local governance system’ – this has included the re-drawing of all our local areas into UN-planned & approved areas and the implementation of a Mayoral system. The dominance of shareholders are being replaced with Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): NGOs & corporate stakeholders; and their ‘change agents’ and ‘facilitators’ parachuted into our local areas who oversee all policies and decisions to help implement UN Agenda21/2030 and the SDGs – all done in an undercover way e.g. ‘people’s assemblies’ and ‘community meeting’s’ to try to give the impression of grass-roots consensus (but of course it will be anything but that). These change agents and facilitators are highly trained in deception-tactics like the Delphi Technique, NLP, and much more. See the work of the late Rosa Koire and Mark Windows for more info and vital solutions.
Hallett seems to be the go to judge for cover ups. I’ve 20 questions related to 7/7 that never got answered.
SIR IAN BLAIR 7/7 4 bombers not that Im saying there were 4 bombers. That before anyone knew there were 4 bombers. A bit like building 7 9/11
“in the end, panic beat science”.
Panic that they created – for example, SAGE on 22/3 2020: “the perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent” by “using hard hitting emotional messaging”. Michie helped people not panic in 2021 by telling a TV interviewer peope should wear masks “forever”.
Nelson’s either a fool or a knave to try to argue this. They must think people have been made so punch-drunk by repeated trauma as to induce amnesia if they think this will fly.
You’ve been horsewhipped to believe in “terrorists” and a global “war on terror” for twenty years when all of a sudden the “terrorists” disappear for three years replaced by an invisible submicroscopic terrorist that lands from outer space demanding your full attention.
Once the shelf life of the invisible enemy of the “killer virus” expires the reliable old “terrorists” miraculously pop their heads up again and get back on the front foot demanding another shift of attentions and allegiances.
If your brain has been siphoned out of your head you are mindlessly clucking about like a chicken and believe this nonsense. If you have even an iota of your mind still intact you have to be able to see through these constant manipulations.
Once you concede the fundamental premise of The Big Lie you always veer further from the truth.
The COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system.
The “timely” arrival of the Covid-19 “emergency” provided the rationale and the opportunity to freeze the US banking collapse with massive injections of cash.
Somewhere in the neighborhood of $8-10 trillion was paid to US banks up until March 2020 with an additional $5 trillion in economic stimulus promised by the Fed.
The Covid-19 Pandemic story makes little sense when viewed through the lens of health, safety and science. Viewed through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, however, then all of it makes perfect sense.
Manufactured pandemics are now mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power.
As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible.
With the “Covid Pandemic” replacing the phony “War on Terror” yet another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphs into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity.
Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of FALSE ATTRIBUTION.
Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.
Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy and consolidate control.
There is no such thing as “Covid-19” except as a criminal conspiracy.
RIGHT ON, Maxwell!